Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tax free holidays are right around the corner!

Take advantage of the tax free holidays to get stocked up on back to school supplies for yourself and your children for the upcoming school year. Virginia’s tax free holiday runs August 3-5 and Maryland hosts “Shop Maryland Week” from August 12-18.
August 3-5, 2012: Tax Holiday for School Supplies and Clothing
In Virginia, during this three-day period, purchases of certain school supplies, clothing and footwear will be exempt from the Virginia sales tax. Each eligible school supply item must be priced at $20 or less, and each eligible article of clothing and footwear must be priced at $100 or less. For details, visit the School Supplies and Clothing Holiday page.
August 12-18,2012: Shop Maryland- the state's tax free week
The second Sunday of August to the following Saturday is designated as Shop Maryland Week each year. That means qualifying apparel and footwear $100 or less are exempt from the Maryland 6% sales tax. This year, Shop Maryland Week is August 12-18. Visit this link for more information on eligible purchases.

For information on other states offering tax free holidays, visit this link. Happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Found: A Hole in the Tax Code

    There’s a hole right in the middle of the U.S. tax code. And you can LEGALLY hide your money there tax-free. The IRS can’t touch one thin dime.

    CLICK HERE now to find out how to locate that safe zone.
