Friday, December 7, 2012

Test Anxiety and Test Taking Strategies: From Student Lingo

As a follow up to a previous article about Student Lingo, a website that offers free workshops on various success topics, if your mid-terms are fast approaching or you are in the middle of mid-term madness, I strongly encourage checking out the workshop entitled, Test Anxiety: Strategies to Help You Succeed – featured on Student Lingo. The direct link to the site is:

How often do you feel like you know the material like the back of your hand, but when you get into the testing situation, you freeze? This workshop discusses various strategies for test preparation and coping skills for situations that provoke test anxiety. The presenter does a great job describing scenarios in a testing situation that can easily lead to test anxiety in addition to our internal messages and how best to control them. She also discusses external circumstances that contribute to test anxiety and how to keep them at bay before you enter the testing situation.

The presentation also contains strategies for taking different types of tests ranging from multiple choice to true/false to essay formats. The presenter’s empathic style and her understanding of issues related to test anxiety keeps you engaged and hopefully, when you take your exam, you will feel more confident and at peace after viewing this presentation!

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